Sunday, March 24, 2013

New Discovery: Drop The Anchor

This week I've been paying a lot of attention to new bands so I don't really have an album of the week. Instead I want to present you my favourite new discovery so far: Drop The Anchor.
In August 2011, five guys from Indianapolis, Indiana decided to start a band. Meanwhile four of them are left: Mark Lane as vocalist and guitarist, Harold Navarrete as guitarist, Eddie Rector as bassist and back-up vocalist and Bryan Davies as drummer and back-up vocalist. Their debut album In A Way, It's Everything was recorded with different members though and released on November 2nd 2011, in October 2012, Drop The Anchor signed for Stand Firm Records.

In A Way, It's Everything kicks off with my favourite song on the whole record: Casino Destroyale. Love can be a risk, you can win everything at once as well as you can lose everything in seconds just like you can win or lose while gambling. The song tells the story of somebody who has been gambling with love but realised that it won't work out before it was too late. He managed to look through the pokerface of his partner and admitted that he can't gamble with a broken heart. Using this metaphor to describe the end of a relationship is brilliant in my opinion.
The topic of a horrible relationship is also what the second song, Actions, is about. However, the writer is getting more bitter and clearly states his opinion with less metaphors. He has been toyed around with, he has been lied to, he's sick and tired of the “ugly wicked“ who put him through so much pain. He's so tired of her that he wishes she'd die.
With the third song, Consummation Proclamation, we leave all the bad aspects of relationships behind and concentrate on the nice aspects: Sex and the feeling of being in love. Yes, this is a song about sex and I love it. There are (too) many songs about sex out there but there aren't many songs with such classy lyrics: “Our hearts they race to the beat of every single time our hips meet. Pull me in deeper baby, grip those sheets and when I hit the spot say my name for me.“ Halfway through the song you can hear a change, it's getting slightly slower and so do the lyrics. “I'm your knight in shining armor, I'm down on my knees. I'm begging please stay with me, I'm begging please lay with me.“ There's also a very talented lady singing with the band now, her name is Brooke Voils from the band Glorious Rebellion. Now the song sounds like a conversation which warms my heart and gives me hope that true love still exists somewhere out there. Now I also have to change my opinion and say that this song is my favourite because it has the biggest plot twist I ever heard.
The next song is the song I can relate to the least: Go Hard or Go Home is about partying and drinking and everything connected to it. In other words: Lyrics aside, the song is very catchy with some really nice guitars and some screaming and even if I don't drink, I can still have a party in my room with this song.
The last song on the record makes my heart ache in jealousy because it's obviously written for a very lucky girl. Alive, And Finally Mine shines again with amazing lyrics just like “you're the beat that keeps my heart in sync, the right in my wrongs...“ - hands down ladies, who doesn't want a song like this written for them? I'll marry the guy who does that for me.

As final words all I can say is that Drop The Anchor are a very talented band as a whole. Not only the lyrics are amazing, the instruments make the written words alive and guarantee five very catchy, passionate songs. I believe that these guys can make it far as a band!

Go check them out here: 

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