Monday, April 29, 2013

Tonight Alive - What Are You So Scared Of?

Tonight Alive have been on my list of bands to check out since forever so I thought it's finally time to catch up and have a look at their current album What Are You So Scared Of?.

There are album streams on youtube, for my german readers I can only recommend Spotify if you'd like to join me here. 

Eject, Eject, Eject!

Really nice intro with the combination of the instruments. If I didn't know it's Tonight Alive I'd think it's taken from a dramatic scene in an action movie or something.

Breaking & Entering

It makes me very happy that the intro flows into the first full song. The message of it doesn't sound too happy though, at the end Jenna keeps repeating "I'm burning up" so that's basically what's left in my mind after listening. There's one line I can relate to: "How can you stay in control when all that you know is falling apart?"


You're young, there's so much you could do to enjoy your life. Be reckless, don't think about tomorrow, live in the moment, fall in love, be broke because all of this is okay. You'll grow up soon enough so take what you can get right now. That's what comes to my mind when I listen to this song.

Sure As Hell

This song describes exactly how I'd like to be. In a couple of years I'd like to look back and think: "It seems like I have conquered every fear I ever had or thought would hold me back." I'd like to look back at the things I did without regretting anything. I'd like to feel free because currently I'm still caught in my own mind what makes many things difficult. I'd like to be content with myself and the way I live my life.

Let It Land

So keep your mind open but always keep your mouth shut,
and hide it if you're broken but always keep your chin up.
It don't matter where I'm falling 'cause I can't get my mind right.
I need to pull it together if there's no one to catch me.

No, don't keep your mouth shut. If you're reading this right now and there's something bothering you, go and tell somebody. Don't hide it if you're broken because it will only get worse and worse, believe me. It might happen that there's nobody to catch you but in the end it's you who has to catch yourself. You're the one who has to save you. So yes, keep your chin up, stay strong and stop carrying this weight around on your own. 

Fake It

Get up, turn up the volume and dance around because that's what I did and it was great. 


The first rather calm song I think, okay no that was just the beginning.
People these days seem to have difficulties listening to others, finding somebody who actually cares about what you have to say is rare, I don't even know. Anyway, this song basically describes this issue. 

Reason To Sing

Sounds like the song for the ex boyfriend who treated Jenna like shit but she's mostly taking the positive things out of it: "At least you give me reason to sing."

Safe & Sound

There's the calm song I was waiting for! It's like the opposite of the last song because it describes a happy relationship (at least I assume it's a relationship) and it definitely sounds happy and content and it makes me feel like everything's alright. 

Thank You & Goodnight

Aaaaand another song about relationships and dating, this time Jenna is the one breaking up with somebody and wait is this Mark Hoppus from Blink 182?? I knew they worked with Benji Madden from Good Charlotte once but also with Mark Hoppus? Okay that's clearly awesome, Jenna's and Mark's voices go great together. 


Goosebumps everywhere, big lump in my throat. This song is for a girl who died and I'm struggling with the tears while listening. This is easily the best song on the whole record, Jenna put so much passion and so many feelings into this that you can literally feel her pain in your chest.

Wish you were here but it's becoming clear that Earth's just not the place for an angel like you.

In The First Place

Okay this honestly doesn't really touch me in any way. I can't relate to it but it's catchy nevertheless!

To Die For

Nice song with pretty cool lyrics, I like the metaphors which describe the relationship between the two people. I also feel like I over used the word 'relationship' in this entry and there's only one more song left, so let's have a final listen. 

What Are You So Scared Of?

I'm not gonna start with my endless list of things that scare me, so have the best line from the song instead: "I used to be scared, I used to be like you. I used to care, then I came unglued. Well, it's something we all have to learn to do."

Band members teach me more about life than my family or friends or anybody else, that's just how it is. With every song I listen to I get another chance of looking at the world in a different way and I'm so thankful for this. In other words: Thanks to Tonight Alive for such a good album, I can't wait to hear more!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Album Of The Week: Memphis May Fire - Challenger

Challenger is the third album the band from Dallas, Texas has to offer and by far my favourite. I finally got it in the mail last week, stopped listening to any other albums and now I think it's time for me to say something about it. 

The first song, Without Walls, sounds quite mysterious at the beginning, then some people start to shout "This is who we are! These are the roads we paved, the strength we found and the mistakes we made along the way." over and over again, until the instruments join in and only Matty screams until the end. 
The next song, Alive In The Lights, is already one of my favourites of the whole album. The lyrics are directed to all the people who didn't believe in Matty, who don't take his way of living serious. It's directed to the people who think music isn't a solid job, the ones who don't see how many lives Matty and the whole band already saved and will save in the future. Personally I can relate to this song a lot because I can't imagine having a job at an office, leaving the house at 8am and coming back home at 5pm. I want to see the world, connect my passion for music with having a job and to quote this song: "I need to feel alive!"
I have no idea if this will work out in the end, it actually has to because there's no Plan B. Music is all I've got. 
This isn't about me though, so let's move on to the next song: Prove Me Right. The first two lines sound quite general: "We put our lives in the hands of the ones that claimed they truly cared. Come to find it's all just a lie and when we needed them no one was there." and could be about anything but as it moves on, I assume it's directed to record labels and the struggles many bands sometimes have. Furthermore, there's a really fine guitar part in the middle which I always enjoy a lot.
I don't really have much to say about Red In Tooth & Claw apart from the bitter sound it has. I think many of us can relate to it because sooner or later everybody gets hurt by somebody they love.
Vices is one of those songs I could listen to forever without getting tired of it. It's one of those songs which remind me so much of myself that it gives me a really weird feeling in my stomach, especially this part: "And I've been thinking this could be the end of me, who is this person in the mirror I see? And I have come so far, thought I was so strong, the truth is I just fed myself a lie for too long. I never thought this would be me." Looking back at the time I struggled with depression, these are my exact thoughts. 
The next song is the one I listen to when I'm about to give up. Legacy is the perfect boost I need to take a breath and focus on my dreams again because Matty screams: "You'll never know what you can do if you don't try now. Lift up your eyes discouraged one. Keep moving forward until your battles have been won. They say you were created to do great things, 
but words only come to life when you believe. Stop blending in. Start speaking out! Don't miss your opportunity." 
I believe that I have what it takes to work in the music industry, I just haven't found my spot yet. I haven't gotten my chance yet. I also consider getting "Lift up your eyes, discouraged one" tattooed one day. 

Memphis May Fire got a little help from other vocalists on this record, for example from Kellin Quinn, who usually sings for Sleeping With Sirens. Whenever I listen to Miles Away, I get this big lump in my throat because it's about how the guys leave for tour and leave their wives back home alone. I can only imagine how hard it must be to be separated from each other for quite a long time and how it doesn't get easier no matter how often it happens and then there's Matty singing "She needs me but I know they need me, too". That's usually the moment I want to tell him that it's okay, that we'll be fine and he shouldn't leave his wife because I don't want him to be lonely and oh dear, I'm getting emotional again, let's move on. 
Danny Worsnop from Asking Alexandria sings in Losing Sight what I find very interesting. The whole song is pretty interesting because it deals with the flip side of being a touring musician. I think what we as fans often don't see is how hard being on the road and playing almost every night can be. How exhausting it can be to keep up our expectations and it makes me always so angry when fans are pissed because their idols didn't come out after a show to take pictures or sign stuff. I know how excited you are for getting the chance to meet them but they have their reasons for not doing it, they're only human, too. 

I think this is the longest review I wrote so far so guess you can tell how much I enjoy this album. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

With Heaven Above You, There's Hell Over Me - P Like Pierce The Veil

Writing down my feelings for bands is more difficult than expected to be honest. It was all fun and games when I wrote about All Time Low because they're my all time favourites and I always know something to say about them but I possibly run out of words. Anyway, let's see how far I can make it with the four mexicans from San Diego.
(I rewrote this entry 3 times)

The question is: What makes Pierce The Veil so special? First of all Vic's voice is something very remarkable about the band. Depending on the song it can sound fragile or powerful, angry or comforting, desperate or confident. His voice can take you all the way up to the sky where everything's awesome and you see a rainbow but it can also take you all the way down where you curl up in bed and just cry. Both happens to me very regularly. Also, if that's not enough, you can still watch interviews Vic did where he talks about the meanings of certain songs or he shares fan stories and you'll fall for him anyway. 
Apart from Vic, there are three highly talented guys responsible for the sound of Pierce The Veil. I dare to say that Tony (the turtle) Perry is one of the best guitarists of our generation. He also loves Star Wars what I don't understand (I haven't seen Star Wars) and he looks super cute and everything but turns into a completely different person when he's on stage. 
I tend to neglect the fact that drummers exist, simply because they aren't on the spot as much as the vocalist and guitarists (and they don't jump around on stage like kangaroos on ecstasy) but I never neglect Mike's existence. That's probably because he's the biggest potterhead I can think of apart from myself and it took me a while to figure out that he's Vic's little brother and not the other way around. 
Last but not least there's Jaime, who's name I always pronounce wrongly (spanish, guys!!) and who plays the bass. By the way: if you're as well informed as I was, you probably didn't know that Jaime can sing really well, what you have to check out here: [x] 
Seriously, do it, let's fangirl together because I didn't see that coming and I'm in love with his voice (shhh I'm just trying to get you to comment on this post). 

Pierce The Veil and their music guided me through a bad day more than once. Actually they're doing it right now because sometimes I lose the ability to think properly what makes coping slightly difficult. There are days when I can't stand Of Mice & Men or Bring Me The Horizon because they're too loud, days when I even can't stand All Time Low because they're not loud enough. Pierce The Veil have the perfect balance between singing and screaming though.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Run Away, Baby - A Playlist

Most of the time I'm like the laziest person ever but all of a sudden I get the urge to look for my running shoes and go out for a run. If you need a soundtrack that can push you a little, here it is: 

I always start with this song, I don't even know why. Maybe because it sounds dramatic enough for the fact that I finally go on a run again or maybe because it's just a damn good song. 

Because obviously I'm on a good way to be breathless by the time this song is over. 

Usually when I go on a run, I'm angry because of something. And when I'm angry, I listen to Bring Me The Horizon. 

More angry songs, yaay! 

Fun fact: that's the first song I ever heard of them and it's freakin' awesome.

King For A Day is the perfect song because it fits to so many occasions and it definitely fits to a run. 

There's no certain reason why it's on the list, I just like it a lot. 

Okay so I'd stop here because I'm not in shape at all, for those of you who actually are in shape, I have some more songs I find appropriate: 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

New Discovery: All New Atmosphere

I finally found a new band to introduce: All New Atmosphere from Woodbridge, New Jersey. 

First of all, All New Atmosphere are: Alex Farkas (Vocals), Chris Petronzio (Guitar), Juan Melendez (Bass & Vocals), Brian Boxley (Guitar) and Chris Dorocki (Drums). They began making music together in 2012 what I honestly didn't expect. When you listen to their self-titled EP (released on April 20th 2012) you could think they've been playing together since forever.

The first song on the record is called Better Left Alone. I suppose the title speaks for itself, sometimes it's just better to leave people behind and move on without them. The first thing I noticed while listening to this song is how remarkable Alex's voice sounds. I mean, he hits these high notes as if it's nothing, if I tried that it would sound like....yeah well let's not talk about my lack of talent in singing but move on to the next song instead.
Hangin Over is one of my favourite songs on the EP. It's fast, catchy and makes you want to dance around. What I don't really understand is this one line where it says "
I'm hanging onto twenty one and even if she tries to leave, I'll never never let her." Who or what is twenty one? 

Song number three is called All The Same and contains some damn fine guitar parts. I know that I usually focus a whole lot on lyrics and the singer so it's time to say that this band has some very talented guitarists who turn their music into something really special. 

I belong to the girls who have troubles showing who they really are. The girls who tend to pretend to be somebody else because that makes them think people will rather like them. The girls who hide their passions. Ladies, that's bullshit. All New Atmosphere seem to agree because their fourth song, Colors, is basically about that. They keep asking why you hide your colours because they're "a beautiful work of art" and they also keep asking "why you go and change them when you're perfect the way you are".
In other news: We're all great just the way we are and I really love that bands spread this message through their music. 

The last song, Falling Without A Parachute, is about the moment in a friendship when you're not sure anymore whether you're still friends or not and what happened to lead to this situation. You think it's your fault that there's this weird tension so you even ask for a second chance ("If I asked for another chance id wonder if you would say yes?") even though you know that it probably won't work out anyway ("I'm pretty sure when this is over, you're gonna turn your back"). 

Apart from this EP they covered some cool songs which you should check out, too:

Bruno Mars - Locked Out Of Heaven and

Adele - Set Fire To The Rain

Now it's time for you to go and check All New Atmosphere out because a) they make beautiful music, b) they're really talented and c) they deserve all the support. 




Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Album of the Week: Bring Me The Horizon - Sempiternal


Literary everlasting; eternal

[from Old French sempiternel, from Late Latin sempiternālis, from Latin sempiternus, from semper always + aeternus eternal]

The more you know, right?
I finally bought a physical copy of this piece of brilliance and I couldn't love it more. I had such high expectations on this album and I can gladly say that Bring Me The Horizon fulfilled them all and even put a cherry on top. Starting at the moment you open the CD and take a closer look at the beautiful artwork, over how you read the lyrics while listening until the very last tune ends. 
I assume you already figured out that I could relate to their songs from the last album a lot but Sempiternal provides this on a whole new level. It's full of angry, disappointed and bitter tracks but that doesn't mean they lack honesty. Au contraire, Oli wears his heart on his tongue like never before, he doesn't sugarcoat anything, all you get is the plain truth of a life that doesn't look too bright.
The first song on the record, Can You Feel My Heart, is already one of my favourites. It sounds like Bring Me The Horizon but then again it's different from what we know, at least from what I know. It's about being broken, it's about being tired of basically everything. It's about inner fights, about the darkness around you. ("I'm scared to get close and I hate being alone. I long for that feeling to not feel at all. The higher I get, the lower I'll sink, I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim."
I'm skipping the next two songs because they didn't leave as much of an impression on me and directly move to my next favourite: Sleepwalking. 
Have you ever felt how your mind slips through your fingers? How you slowly lose control over your thoughts and there's nothing you can do? How it's like you can't breathe? 
("I'm at the edge of the world, where do I go from here? Do I disappear? Edge of the world, should I sink or swim? Or simply disappear?"This is exactly what this song is about. It's like you're sleepwalking, you just walk through the world but you don't know what you're doing.
I'm one hundred percent sure that everybody can relate to the next song: Go To Hell, For Heaven's Sake. I'm one hundred percent sure that all of us have this one person we just can't stand. The person that makes us so angry that we have to leave as soon as they appear because we couldn't handle their presence so we just think: "No one wants to hear you, no one wants to see you, so desperate and pathetic..."
I feel like I have to mention Shadow Moses because it was the first new song they released but honestly I don't really know what to say. I love how Oli screams "This is sempiternal, over and over again and again!" because when you're really angry and you join him, it helps to calm down (try it!).
We're coming closer to the end, the next song was my personal surprise: And The Snakes Start To Sing is slow, Oli sounds tired as if he gave up all hope. In my opinion he's one of the most talented vocalists I know because he always manages to put so much emotion in the songs that you literally adopt them from him. 
Imagine a friendship or relationship with somebody. It's pretty great until you slowly realise that it won't work out. You look at this person and all you have in mind is: "I think we've lost our touch. There's no sparkle in those eyes, what an awful mess I've made, there's nothing left to save." You might love each other but it's just not enough. Now you know what Seen It All Before is dealing with.
The last song I'd like to talk about it also the last song on the record: Hospital For Souls. When I first read the lyrics I was speechless because I suppose this song tells a lot about Oli as a person and I have even more respect for him now. Personally I think that you can only really find a connection to this song if you ever struggled with a mental illness, or still do ("Have you ever took a blade to your wrists? Have you been skipping meals?").
Only then you understand the emptiness which is described in the song, the feeling of being numb and not fearing death anymore because you just don't care anymore. Only then you really understand how lonely you are with your own mind because you push people away and how desperate you want them to just hold you close. 

So, as a conclusion I can only emphasize how much I love this album. Unlike other bands, Bring Me The Horizon didn't disappoint me with their new record but only offer a few more moments for me to escape.

Passenger - All The Little Lights: An Experiment

Usually I listen to an album a million times before I write about it because I love analysing lyrics and the effect music has on me. This time I thought it might be cool to live blog how I'm listening to Passenger's album. Blabla aside, let's go! Join me by clicking here.

Things That Stop You Dreaming

Violins are always good. Very good actually, I love their sound. Combined with Passenger's voice the first few seconds already give me goosebumps and take me on a promising journey. "If you can't get what you love, you learn to love what you've got. If you can't be what you want, you learn to be the things you're not. If you can't get what you need, you learn to need the things that stop you dreaming." I'm not sure how to interpret the last sentence but I totally agree with the other two. What a great song.

Let Her Go

I already heard this song a gazillion times on the radio, on tv as background for a commercial of Grey's Anatomy, when my brother listened to it in the living room, on a music channel on tv. I never really paid attention to it so it's about time to do that. 
The beginning is so nice, so calm and peaceful. Then Passenger starts to sing and I'm drowning in my feelings. Seriously though, his voice is perfect, I can't even describe what it does to me. This song is so simple actually and that's exactly what makes it brilliant. 
"Well you only need the light when it's burning low, only miss the sun when it starts to snow, only know you love her when you let her go." There roll the tears, bad idea to listen to this song when you can relate to this part of the lyrics, believe me. 

Staring At The Stars

This song is perfect after the last one, simply to cheer you up again. I love the pace of it, makes me tap my toes and just enjoy it. Oh, there are violins again and is that a banjo? And trumpets? Yes, I like this song a lot. The end makes me think of summer nights, it would be the perfect soundtrack for a cheesy love scene in a movie. 
Okay but after 2:11 I'm a bit bored to be honest, for some reason it feels like this song lasts for 10 minutes and not just around 4. 

All The Little Lights

*Edit! I totally forgot to talk about the song which names the album, thanks to Abby for letting me know!
Anyway, this song is just as awesome as all the others are, I just love how calming his songs generally are! 

The Wrong Direction

Yaay, everything's good, smile more, go out when the sun is shining, laugh as loud and as much as possible, just live. That's what my brain is telling me right now and I don't hear something like that often. And then I look at the lyrics and all the happy feelings are gone, oh well. "The first cut is the deepest, but the rest will flippin' hurt. You build your heart of plastic, get cynical and sarcastic and end up in the corner on your own." Yeah thanks, that's what I wanted to hear. Why would you use such positive tunes for such negative thoughts, that's not fair my dear Passenger, stop.


Oh, the only song by All Time Low I really don't like is Circles, let's see what the british singer made out of this title. 
The guitars at the beginning are great, they make me think of rainy days. It's about friendship, isn't it? About childhood memories, about growing up maybe. I like the lyrics, especially the metaphors he uses. Oh, it's already over, that was fast. 
So: Passenger's Circles > All Time Low's Circles

Keep On Walking

"Last night I couldn't sleep, I got up and started walking..." - How often do you feel like doing that? Just getting up, walking away and never coming back again. I don't know, I have that quite often to be honest. 
I have to mention how great his accent is. I know it's super cliché and annoying but I really enjoy listening.
Apart from that, the song doesn't really leave an impression on me so let's move on.

Patient Love

I love how simple this song is again. Only a few instruments, Passenger and some background vocals. It gives me this warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach I keep talking about and the lyrics send a smile to my lips because they're so cute. "Three words on the tip of my tongue not to be spoken, or sung or whispered to anyone till I scream em at the top of my lungs again." I mean, can I have somebody in my life who writes songs like this one for me, please?

Life's For The Living

Very accurate title. 
I found some lyrics I'd stick on my wall! "Don't you cry for the lost, smile for the living. Get what you need and give what you're given. Life's for the living so live it or you're better off dead."
Passenger generally is a genius when it comes to lyrics, I mean wow. Songs are like poems, aren't they? At least the ones with proper lyrics and rather not the ones you hear in a club at 3am. 


Lyrics, lyrics, lyrics. Brilliant lyrics everywhere so I'll just quote my favourites from this song because I don't have anything else to say about it.
"when he woke up with nothing he said i'll tell you something when you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose."

"Well sometimes you can't change and you can't choose and sometimes it seems you gain less than you lose. Now we've got holes in our hearts, yeah we've got holes in our lives, well we've got holes, we've got holes but we carry on."

Music teaches me more about life than school or my parents ever did. 

Feather On The Clyde

This song calms me down so much, I'm actually fascinated. Pure beauty.

I Hate

Oh, it's live, perfect. I'm gonna say it one last time, promised: Look at these lyrics. In my opinion, artists who don't take themselves too serious are the winners of this whole business. Passenger definitely belongs to the winners and this song helps him. I mean, don't we all hate  "ignorant folks, who pay money to see gigs and talk through every fucking song"? or "pointless status updates on Facebook" because "we pretend to be friends on the internet 
when in real life, we have nothing to say."? If you're a smoker like me, I'm sure you hate "stepping outside for a smoke and some guy coughs, like your lungs are his." I mean, go inside or step aside if you don't want to smoke with me, what's wrong with you.
I've never been to a festival but I can imagine how great it must be "
queuing up for festival toilets, especially when you need to shit."
Now comes my favourite part of the whole song though: "And I hate them magazines, aimed at insecure teens, that make ten year old's race to grow up. Hey kids, let's all be anorexic or better eat chocolate until you throw up. Keep your Hollywood stars, and their stupid cars 
and the Bo-tox, that makes them look fucked. Just grow old with grace, have you seen Cher's face, it looks like it's been hit by a truck." 

Thanks Passenger for such honest lyrics, in my opinion more artists should come up with songs like this one. Thank you also for such a great album, your music is really good for my soul.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

I'm Walking On Sunshine - A playlist to celebrate good mood

You guys seemed to like the last playlist and the weather is fantastic today so I thought I could do a playlist for good mood.

One of the reasons why I love All Time Low so much is their talent of making music for every possible situation in life. No matter what occasion, there's always at least one of their songs that fits. 

Probably the best song on Don't Panic and one of their best songs in general.

There's no way to leave out Fall Out Boy on this playlist and if you don't get in a good mood while listening to this song I don't know what else I could do for you. 

This song is always a win, isn't it. 

My absolute favourite song on their new album, I don't even know what to say about it. 

Well, the title speaks for itself, doesn't it. It's one of my favourite songs MCR ever made, it makes me think of all the great moments summer has to offer and all the great moments MCR had to offer (meh, past tense, I'm still not over it). 

At least once a week you should go crazy, jump through your room or flat or wherever you feel like and just don't give a shit. I highly recommend to listen to this song as loud as possible then.

This song has something I can't really describe but it makes me feel very good, so. 

Get in a car, open all the windows, put this song on and fucking sing. 

Okay, I admit it. You Me At Six are on a good way to take over the part of my life which other bands haven't taken over yet but this song is fantastic anyway. 

I'm deeply in love with this band and I can't choose a favourite song but this one is damn good. 

Okay I lied, this is my favourite WATIC song. 

The playlist started with All Time Low so I thought it might be cool to end it with this song instead of the original version. 

I hope you enjoy this playlist as much as you enjoyed the last one! 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Meet My Dedication, Inspiration - O Like Of Mice & Men

"You have many choices in life, don't make giving up one of them." - Austin Carlile

Today is one of those days where I'd like to punch myself in the face because I'm ready to drop everything, curl up in bed and give up. That's when Of Mice & Men join the game and kick my ass in the nicest way possible. I got into them around six months ago during a very dark time but they're the ones who bring a little light into the most horrible days and pick me up again. They're the ones who teach me that you have to keep going no matter what. They teach me that you can reach your dreams even though it's going to be hard. They're the ones who encourage me to reach for the stars because I don't deserve any less.
If I look up to anybody, it's definitely Austin Carlile. I only know pieces of his past and story, but what I know impresses me a lot. He's such a genuine, strong person and I'd do a lot to get the chance to talk to him for a little while. Until then I'll just continue reading the stories of people who already met him because it always warms my heart to see how Austin can give so much hope and strength to his fans who need it. I know I'll burst into tears if I'll ever meet him, no matter how hard I'll try not to. There are just so many emotions and feelings connected to Austin and the rest of the band - positive as well as negative. I remember all the horrible nights I had, how listening to Of Mice & Men seemed to be the only thing that calmed me down, how listening to them eased the pain a little. I don't exactly know what it is that makes their music so special to me but it makes me feel less sick, less lonely, less like a fucked up wreck. As soon as I press play, it's like Austin (well, and Shay kind of) talks to me and the louder I turn up the volume, the better I feel. 

Of Mice & Men are everything to me, I don't even know. They're the first thing I listen to after getting up in the morning and the last thing I listen to before I go to sleep. They're the ones who keep me sane on a daily basis, it's like they keep me from drowning in my own mind. It makes me so happy to see how they love doing what they do, it makes me happy when they meet all the fans who feel just like I do, it makes me happy to know that they're around.
Of Mice & Men saved my life and they save it every single day because I promised myself that I'll be around at least until I'll meet them and if it's the last thing I'll ever do. I'm so proud to carry them around with me forever because I owe them so much. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Music is cheaper and sometimes more effective than therapy

Today I want to show you my playlist for moments when I have troubles coping with my mind, unfortunately today is one of those days, so let's go. 

Of Mice & Men - Second & Sebring

As you may know I got the lyrics of the chorus tattooed on my arm for several reasons. First of all to cover up some stuff I didn't want to see anymore but mostly because I'm so thankful to have this band in my life. Second & Sebring is probably the most special song I know, it's so powerful, emotional and contains a very important message. 

Of Mice & Men - The Great Hendowski

Read this book, you were meant to live
It all means so much to me
But note what's written in red
It says…
It speaks of hope, trust, and love,
The fear of never being good enough
We are all made the same
I know it's tough, but please don't give up
Don't speak that way, 'cause I won't allow you
You're too young to live this way
Just close your eyes and see
The true meaning
You're too young to live this way
Just look around and see
That life is beauty.

I don't think I have to say more, do I. 

In my opinion this is the best song they wrote so far, I don't know what else I should say about it, it's just brilliant.

This is one of the songs that makes me feel like I'm floating around, like everything's gonna be okay after all. 

Yeeeeah, I like torturing myself with songs like this one. Listen to the Straight To DVD version, it definitely kicks you in the guts, especially when Juliet Simms' part starts. I don't really know why I listen to this when I'm sad anyway but sometimes you just need to cry a little, right? (If you say this doesn't make you tear up, you're a liar or plain weird.)

Sometimes all you need is Oli screaming into your ears. The louder you turn up the volume, the faster the voices in your mind shut up. 

Another song I sometimes cry over. Oli sounds so desperate and sad that I just wanna hug him and tell him that it'll be fine but then again this song contains lyrics I'd paint on the walls in my room or print on a shirt and wear it on bad days or even ink it on my body: "We all have our horrors and our demons to fight but how can I win when I'm paralyzed? They crawl up on my bed, wrap their fingers round my throat, is this what I get for the choices that I made?"Guess I don't have to mention how perfect Lights' voice is and how perfect it fits to the song. 

Tony Perry is a damn fine guitarist, that's something you can't only tell from this song, but I love blocking out Vic and only concentrate on the guitars. That's a) really nice to get your mind off the stupid thoughts and b) awesome because as I said Tony is awesome. 

After King For A Day my favourite song on Collide With The Sky and definitely one of my favourite PTV songs in general. 

I'm so proud to be able to sing along to this freakin' song, it took me forever and my voice can't keep up with Kellin anyway but it's definitely fun. The person who decided to let Vic and Kellin sing together deserves an award and I really hope they'll do this again soon!

Well, what can I say... huge thanks to Pierce The Veil for writing this song, I lost count of the times it helped me more than any other song, especially this part: "If I were you, I'd put that away. See you're just wasted and thinking bout the past again, darling you'll be okay."
Yes, I will be okay. It took me a while to realise that and sometimes I don't really believe it but yes. 
(No offense but I prefer the version with Jenna McDougall from Tonight Alive: [x]

Don’t wake me up if I’m sleeping this life away 
Tell me that I’ll never be good enough 
Sometimes it hurts to think it could really be that way 
It won’t be that way

I’m tired and I’m lost 
I don’t wanna be found 
I put my heart and my soul 
And strength in this now

So forgive me ‘cause I won’t forget that 
Yeah, this world has changed me 
So you know when you ask me

Who are you now? 
Did you say what you want? 
Don’t go back to the start 
I’m asking, who are you now? 
Did they break you apart? 
Won’t you fight back for what you want?

Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly 
We’re gonna work it out.

I'm considering "Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly" as my next tattoo, the rest of the lyrics isn't less accurate and sometimes it scares me how much lyrics fit to my situation. 

I don't even know what to say about this one, Josh is one of my favourite vocalists on the planet and this song is just pure brilliance and I know this sounds exaggerated but I love it more than coffee and just okay. 

The song that made me fall in love with You Me At Six. There are days when I don't do anything else than listening to it and I don't seem to get tired of it, it's just good for my soul. 

Stop blending in and start speaking out! 
You'll never know what you can do if you don't try now. 
Lift up your eyes discouraged one. 
Keep moving forward 'til your battles have been won.

They say you were created to do great things, 
But words only come to life when you believe. 
Stop blending in. Start speaking out! 
Don't miss your opportunity.

You know, when you don't hear encouraging words like these from people around you, you stick to lyrics like the ones above. These are the things that keep me going, that keep me chasing my dreams (by the way you support this dream if you're reading this right now so thank you so much!!) and that help me focusing instead of giving up.

Looks like this is my longest blog post ever, it would be super awesome if you guys could leave a comment, throw your opinions at me and I'll bake cookies for you (no seriously, let me know if this playlist helped you or if you want me to do more playlists in the future, JUST FINALLY TALK TO ME OKAY THANKS!)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Me versus me has always been my biggest fight - M Like Memphis May Fire

Memphis May Fire literally sneaked into my life and took my soul when I least expected it. I remember that I kept having them on my dash on tumblr so one night I decided to “just have a look at their music“. Hahahaaa yeah, it didn't stay that way. While listening to their current album I liked them on facebook, followed them (and all the band members) on twitter and started watching interviews. In other words: It took them around half an hour to take my heart and it doesn't look like they'll let it go anytime soon.
I assume you can tell that I listen to many bands (I'd actually need more hours in the day or more ears for all the music I want to listen to) but there's only a handful of bands I'd travel the world for in order to meet them. Memphis May Fire definitely belong to them because there are so many things I'd love to tell them. I'd love to thank Matty for keeping me going, for inspiring me with his lyrics and for giving me so much hope. I'd love to thank all of them for making music that calms me down, that makes it easier to cope, that keeps me from doing things I'd definitely regret. I'm just thankful for knowing that they're around, ready to pick me up when I'm done with the world and don't know what else to do than listen to them. I don't know what it is but Matty's voice has something that makes me think everything's gonna be alright if I just keep fighting. I'm so anxious about everything all the time so it's always a good feeling to take a break from thinking.
I feel like there are so many things left unsaid but I can't think of anything else to add right now so yeah, Memphis May Fire have a special place in my heart and I don't even have tickets yet but I'm already beyond excited to finally see them in May. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New Discovery: Watch Us Fade

Well, actually the heavy metal band from Tamworth, England isn't that new to me because I'm friends with one of their guitarists. However, they're pretty heavy so it took me a while to get used to the sound and to find the proper words for a review.

Watch Us Fade was formed in 2011 and already went through several line-up changes and two album releases. Their current album, Past, Present, Hell, was released on March 29th 2013 with the following band members: Connor Sanders (Vocalist), Jack Crooke (Lead Guitarist), Tom Phillips (Rhythm Guitarist), Joe Spencer (Bassist) and Cassius Hewitt-Dudding (Drummer).

If I had to summarise this EP with three words, I'd say: darkness, rage and death.
The first song, A Peaceful Dark World is short but the message is clear: “Imagine death, no people, no feelings, only a peaceful dark world.“
That the world isn't peaceful at all show the songs that follow. Iratus made me really uncomfortable to be honest because the lyrics make me feel like I'm in a horror movie or something (“Tear your heart out from the inside, rip apart your fucking spine, smash your face in with a hammer, cut you up then spit you out, I'll cut off your fucking eyelids, so that you can see my work, ...“). Combined with Connor's deep voice this is the best way to show a girl that she shouldn't fuck around with these guys if she doesn't want to be tortured to death.
The third song, Under Black Banners, is my favourite. I'm not distracted by the lyrics this time so I can actually pay attention to the instruments. I really like the guitar solo in the middle for a change! Furthermore I think this song is the least close to death with lyrics like: “Break free! Unwrap the chains of a broken society and express yourself!“
The anger and rage in Iratus travel from one person to the whole society and the last song, Cadaverous, partly picks up the topic of Under Black Banners. I'm so impressed by how fast Connor can scream because I had already troubles listening, reading the lyrics and following his voice, especially at the beginning of the song. I assume there are many of us who don't fit into society's standards for whatever reasons and this song perfectly sums up what's wrong with these standards.

As a conclusion I can say that Watch Us Fade are slightly too heavy for me but if you'd like some more dark music in your life you should definitely check them out!

Monday, April 8, 2013

New Discovery: I've Got Gloria

It all started with a tweet: “Our bassist has agreed to take everyone out for dinner and a movie to who help try and reach 7000 followers!“
I've been following the five guys from Niagara Falls, Ontario for a while but this tweet caught my attention. Obviously (and unfortunately) it was a joke but they got their 7000 followers, I had something to laugh at and a new band to write about.
I've Got Gloria are: Vocalist Matthew Dell, bassist and soon broke because of all the dinner invitations Jeremy Morocco, drummer Nicholas Plati and the guitarists Antonio Cirillo and Jason Golden. They started making music together in 2007 and released their EP Rebuilt on August 27th 2012.
The first song on the record, Ange Avenue, created a little film in my mind while listening. Two teenagers are driving in a car, he tries to get closer to her, she rejects him and leaves. Later I find out that they were in a relationship which she ended and now he tries to get her back while standing alone at the corner of his heart. I see him walking around at night with all the memories on his mind but before I know how the film ended, I'm back to reality.
The next song totally contrasts with the first one: Better Now reminds me of summer, of long nights, of being happy. It's about a boy and a girl who leave together to a better place, he seems to love her a lot because he says he'd die for her. This is one of the songs I'd marry a guy for if he wrote it for me.
Oh the joy – I'm taken back to school again, to science class this time. Chemicals is about the end of a relationship, the writer's attraction for his partner will die soon. If I was better in chemistry I could probably say more about the metaphors but thanks to the talent of the whole band you don't have to understand the lyrics in order to get the message of the song.

Our Time basically is a song about the band, about how hard they work to fulfill their dreams and how they'll manage to stand out in the crowd. I can definitely picture these guys playing in front of a huge crowd because they manage to deliver emotions through their songs and if music isn't connected to emotions then I don't know what's the purpose of it.
The last song on the record, Rebuilt, is about love again, especially about the beginning when you're so in love that it feels like you're high.

So, you should go and check out I've Got Gloria for two reasons: First, they take you on a rollercoaster of feelings while you listen to their songs and secondly they are really talented musicians who deserve some more recognition. 




Sunday, April 7, 2013

Light 'Em Up - F like Fall Out Boy

I don't remember her exact words but that's just about how my best friend reacted when she read the news. I was making tea in the kitchen when she ran up to me like a lunatic, almost crying from happiness. I thought she was just joking or that some bored idiots were spreading rumours again because literally two days before, Pete denied everything and suddenly there was a new song and a release date for a new album and dates for a tour and good god that day was perfect. We danced around, screamed a little and had some shots because how else are you supposed to celebrate the best band ever coming off hiatus?

When I got into Fall Out Boy, they were already on hiatus. Again my best friend gave me all their albums and I didn't listen to anything else for weeks. Do you know the feeling when you discover new music and it's like you found Jesus? I'm not religious but that's how it felt when Fall Out Boy came into my life. I was a little sad when I read that they're not really around but I just kept listening to the brilliant music they left for us because if nothing else cheers me up, their songs do. I don't understand 99% of the lyrics so I have to improvise and sing whatever I think could be the closest to the actual lyrics but I guess that's something very typical for Fall Out Boy.
I don't even know how to express my feelings for this band because there's absolutely nothing I dislike about them except from the fact that I don't know when I'll finally get the chance to see them to make sure they're real. I mean, have you ever heard somebody saying they don't like Fall Out Boy? I haven't. Even my mum thinks they're cool and usually she is the first and the last person so tell me how fucked up my taste in music is.

What comes to your mind when you hear Fall Out Boy? I think of sunny days, long hugs, the feeling of pure happiness. Listening to them literally makes me feel like I'm floating and I can leave all the shit on earth while I'm up in space for a while.
I know that I have an unhealthy relationship to all the band members, but there are only a few I love as much as I love Patrick Stump. I love watching his facial expressions when he sings, I love his pure voice because it always gives me this fuzzy feeling in my stomach, I love his sense of humour – just have a look at his twitter account, his answers to some questions are the most brilliant thing you'll read today. I love how inspirational he is. He lost a lot of weight and whenever I discuss in my mind whether I should go on a run or not I tell myself that Patrick made it so I can do it too.

Fall Out Boy coming off hiatus was the best thing that happened so far this year and I guess that only their new album can top that.