Thursday, June 13, 2013

ROCK AM RING: Day Three aka the best day of my life

From the moment I ordered my ticket to the moment it actually happened, I was beyond excited for the last day of the festival. If you're wondering why, the answer is simple: two of my favourite bands played within a few hours: All Time Low and Pierce The Veil. Hands down: I would have been okay with not attending the festival but when I saw that these two would play, too, I just had to go and it turned out to be the best decision I ever made. 

When we arrived at the festival venue at around 12pm, there were already many people lining up to get in because they all wanted to get a spot in the first row for Green Day. When the gates finally opened, I literally ran for my life because I promised myself to be in the first row for All Time Low. While running, my phone fell out of my pocket but I didn't notice, so a random guy ran after me and gave it back to me - if you're reading this now: Thank you so so much, I would have been screwed without my phone! 
I ended up in the second row with three extremely tall guys in front of me. Talking to strangers is still quite a big deal for me but this time I got over myself and asked them if they'd let me stand in front of them for All Time Low so I could see properly. The guys were super nice and immediately made some space for me so I had the perfect view. If we met again, I'd bake rainbow cupcakes for you guys because you made one of my biggest dreams come true and I was so scared of actually asking you this and I hope all of your dreams will come true, too. 

Just in time at 2pm All Time Low came on stage and I still can't believe this actually happened. It was super crowded again so I couldn't really move but I had enough space to jump around. The first thing Jack said was: "Did anybody already get a blowjob today?"
With this he already won the attention and sympathy of the whole crowd.
The setlist was the same like they have while touring with Green Day, they just left out Backseat Serenade (a pity, I would have loved to hear it) and So Long And Thanks For All The Booze. I'd also love to know how many energy drinks Jack had before they went on stage because he complained about being highly hungover and how he didn't get laid on Saturday night even though he was drunk and he went totally crazy on stage. He shook his ass, stuck out his tongue to the photographers, asked people in the crowd to call him and jumped around as he usually does. Then he found a guy in a shark costume in the crowd, got him on stage and let me tell you: the shark guy created the best vibe. Both Alex and Jack asked us to give him a blowjob because he'd deserve it. Jack said: "This guy deserves a blowjob!!" and Alex added: "Yeah, he needs some oral sex right now."
At one of the last songs, Jack jumped on Zack's back, kissed him on the cheek and ran away before Zack could catch him. Zack was the only one I could take a picture of because he didn't constantly move. 

These were the best 40 minutes of my entire life, I don't even know what else to say. As soon as All Time Low left the stage, I got pulled out of the crowd by a security guy and ran to the place where the signing sessions happened. The other girls were already lining up for Simple Plan so I lined up for All Time Low. I still didn't realise that I actually saw them on stage and would see them closer in an hour. 
Finally they arrived at the signing and a few minutes later, it was already my turn. Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures but Jack grabbed my hand, shook it and said: "Hey, nice to see you!" I only replied with a short hey because it was like I was in a trance and how Rian's teeth glared totally distracted me. With this beautiful smile, he could totally do a commercial for tooth paste.
Then I stood in front of Alex and somehow I managed to give him my phone and asked if he could sign it. He only smiled at me and said: "Sure!" 

And then there was Zack, not saying anything, not even looking up to anybody but quickly signing everything, so I grabbed my card and phone and waited for the girls because before we had time to realise what just happened, we ran to the Clubstage where Pierce The Veil were already playing. They only played for 30 minutes and we arrived after the first 15 minutes. They played Caraphernelia, Bulls In The Bronx and King For A Day - three of my favourite songs by them. I noticed that I lost my camera but luckily somebody found it and gave it to the security guy at the signing so we ran back, got my camera and went to the Centerstage for Simple Plan. 

This entry is already too fucking long so I'll make it short: Simple Plan are so lovely, they seem to like Germany a lot because they practised some german what was really cute. After that we took a break to eat and sit around before Green Day played. I've never really been a big fan of Green Day (shame on me) but their show was fantastic. Never before have I experienced thousands of people singing along to a song, check it out here, I still get goosebumps whenever I watch it. 

One week ago we sat on the campground enjoying the sun, today I'm still dealing with the worst post concert depression ever. Rock am Ring was such an important experience for me, not just because I had the time of my life but also because it taught me that not everybody automatically judges me for my looks or whatever. I met such open-minded, nice people, I met my heroes, I'm a happy child. 


  1. hört sich ja echt toll an *neid* ich würde so gerne auch mal auf ein festival :3 was für ein tattoo hast du da genau? ♥ loong live tattoos :) übrigens ist dein englisch der hammer,beneide dich da echt drum .3 warst du mal im ausland oder hast du das über die schule gelernt?

    1. es war einfach genial, wenn du mit den nicht vorhandenen hygienischen Verhältnissen da leben kannst, solltest du unbedingt mal hin!
      Das Tattoo besteht aus folgenden Teilen: Zum einen ist es ein & - Zeichen, also das Symbol der Band Of Mice & Men und die Wörter sind aus deren Song "Second & Sebring", also ausm Refrain! ("This is not what it is, only baby scars. I need your love, like a boy needs his mother's side...")
      Und mein englisch hat sich im Laufe meiner Schulzeit entwickelt, ich hab mich schon seit der fünften Klasse total für die Sprache interessiert und dementsprechend auch mehr Zeit darin investiert, meinen Wortschatz auszubauen. Irgendwann bin ich dann auf tumblr gelandet, wodurch sich mein Englisch noch mal wesentlich verbessert hat und ansonsten guck ich meine Serien auch nur auf englisch. Ich war für drei Monate in Spanien und hab da nur englisch geredet, aber das hat meinen Sprachkenntnissen an sich nichts gebracht :D in nem englisch sprachigen Land war ich noch nie.


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