by Andy

new album came out 4 weeks ago. Since I put it in my car it was kind
of stuck in the car stereo, so I had to listen to it. Driving without
music is too boring, so what else could I do?
The album kicks
off with a classic speed up song. “Sirens” is the perfect intro
song for the album. Just after this first impression I already wanted
to make love with the album. But it was stuck in my stereo!
And...ehm...back to business.
The next 2 songs do have amazing titles
for sure: "I'm Just Here For The Free Beer” and “With Friends
Like These, Who Needs Herpes?“ are also very good pieces, you've
got to listen to the intro of the second one, it's the best intro of
the album and Zebrahead are gods in making intros.
“Call your
Friends”, the title song of the album, is a pure party song. It's
perfect for drinking games (Jesus, I really approve of that) and has
a funny music video featuring 2 porn stars. At least that's how they
“Public Enemy Number One” is one of my favorite songs of
“Call your Friends”. It's a little bit harder than the other
songs. Again the intro is just perfect and the guitar riffs could
easily appaer in a “Bullet For my Valentine” song. I also like
the line “It sucks to be
you, it sucks to be you, no matter what you do.”
“Born to lose”, a song about not beeing accepted the way you are,
is doing a pretty good job, “Stick 'Em Up Kid”, “Automatic”,
“Nerd Armor” and “Don't Believe The Hype” are too
exchangeable. Don't get me wrong, those are good songs, but you
listen to them and ten minutes later you can't remember the chorus.
“Until The Sun Comes Up” is a song for long summer nights
and partying at the beach (“Don’t
wait up for us, ’cause we ain’t coming home ’til the sun comes
up” … “have the time of our lives, never take it slow, so
tonight gonna live, gonna let it go” ).
excites me the most about Zebrahead is that they work so well, it's just
great how Ali Tabatabaee's
rap parts and the singing of Matty Lewis are so different but
together they complete each other perfectly. The guitar parts are
stronger than in the other albums, I think the reason for that is new
guitarist Dan Palmer. The bass parts are cool and catchy and the
drums really fit to every song.
The only weakness of the album is
that too many songs are too exchangeable, what I miss are some hit
songs which you can't get out of your head. Also they could have used
less “Whoaaa wohooo” singing parts, I do like thid 90's style but
they really took it too far.
If you compare “Call your Friends”
to recent albums of the scene, the album is a 9/10, it's an impulsive
album and Zebrahead really stayed true to themselves, and thats what
I really, really appreciate.
Rating: 8/10
Songs for
listening: Sirens, Call Your Friends, With Friends Like These Who
Needs Herpes ?, Public Enemy Numer One
For folks who like: Sum
41, New Found Glory